Friday, December 11, 2009

On the Edge of the 5th DôME daya ...

to day we have a KIN142 guiding at the departure station done by TMQ.

When interested in the story and question put forward on URANE, the also see Comment1

Here i pinpoint Comment2 which is getting focus to the twilightzônes edging the layover between 27 and 28 - the Moon5 daynumbers current in a shift.

s'ace - cees de groot (13:01:33) :

2 comment of 142 ~ NooSphere as “New Sirius~Q″

i mark the O here with a ~ (wave) while the wave is an ion that represents the Kuxan Suum which actually is at the Solar Plexus Centre #6/7 … LIMI as plasma symbol attracts the Centre and represents 2 vertical beings guided by a horizontal wave. This is a function of the noosphere – van Allen Plate – to convert the Cosmic Ray into a spheric one that is token by the bodies as a horizontal one. This is also why Kweek’all pivotes the LIMI and SILIO seal at the other side of the tunnel we at mass still are in as imprisoned. This is a call to telepathically empower the pivotal process at 6 and 7 …

Know that the GAMMA seal is the center here that will keep its position.

DALI : 7 => 5 ; KALI : 2 => 7 ; ALPHA : 5 => 1 ; SELI : 1 => 2

Just exercise this and intend to be on a dynamic taskforce that is meant to guide from the old into the new …

Know that some other SEALs guide this whole process from 3 stations:

BIOVOID as the meditation gathering,
SILIAUM as the other one centered in the organic gravitational body-center – “the hara”
KAMUTHY as the MOON representative at number 28 (tomorrow 5.28 – the SPIRIT TOWER)

Notify your experiences and share them when the right word are digested from an inner storyline … . Apply the Warrior to put Questions Forward (foUr worthy words).

~~~ Getting focus on this Training Script …
we see today on the Expieriemental Telektonon Board how the Warrior Turtle has met the travelling Venus Shell: shea is right on that shell psi-force from the 2 Venus Transitions that Guide us into the “last 3 years” at a mass telepath convergence into noosphere pace and peace.

Then getting wider perspective from the seal-formations within the Tzolkin Setting … we see how WIND spreads its wings across 7 seals from STORM to SERPENT and is tipping point for MIRROR as “left” and WORLDBRIDGER at right.
This 9 seals tipped or crossed-over represent the JAGUAR at 9 (MOON9).

Then at the same time the other 11 seals form another formation at the soil – from HAND to EARTH (Gods Hand Claying?) in order to communicate with the JAGUAR as SERPENT (MOON11).

Lent from the Kweek’all pionear the DreamSpellers aligned can cooperate on the first DôME daya expierience on 12/12 … (is this synchronizing?)

IK’AHAU on a Flight Tipped by ETZNAB and CIMI …
from “3rd SOULdaya into GLORYdaya”

the timestamp oracle on (13:01:33)

13 expresses all tones that are always active in the complex multiplex ...
(See complex as the exterior and multiplex as the interior experience of both worlds)
Both the Cosmic Tone and the Skywalker are on the 2 strikes and 3 dots expressing 13.

01 expresses the kin where all things come together into a unique situation to deal with or let go ... : GREAT DECISION as a SOLAR * (* = wild card for the SEAL TOKEN) or - similar - to the HUNAB'KU, number 21 (0.0) that is described in book V/VII timespace on ALPHA (throat chakra at the "old" ; root at the "new")
"Let us speak with ONE VOICE and express the UNIFYING RAINBOW"

33 expresses the RESONANT SKYWALKER - 20 seals away from the 13 at pos. 1 ...
It expresses 13+20 as a pressed 260 ... plus the 1 in the middle

(quite a timestamp for this moment, hey Jupiter!)

The total figure here is 13+33+1 => 47 - the Galactic Hand - numerically 11
47 = 7777 the base request for another infrastructure at 9 => 9991

Namasté S'ace


  1. while we have complexes and multiplexes mixed alliances grow for the better fuse ... and i've seen the JAGUAR spice at for today ... where the EAGLE is on 4 tomorrow ...

    check it when you have space ...
    ;-) s'ace

  2. see the timestamps here on a sync: 5:11 and 5:33 : they express 11 / 33 as twin three musceteers being 4 - 11 aqs the twin fourth

    then at 6:56:/ 9:08 the tube shows an image that
    perfectly shows the kweekspell throw at :
    3 - 6 - 9 - 3x9 ... can you see that?

    and the breathing circles small / big / small / ...

    it is an apetizer , i offer ...

    gooDShift !
