Sunday, October 25, 2009

11 : 11 : 11 gate

merging the new dispensensation in our pivotal pintime ...

this densed image is recommended / commanded from BI~video Foc'us:

to day is in kweekspell / queekspell ...

it is vibrated in English Language as

1 Magnetic Dragon Kin1 out of 260 in DreamSpell
.4 Owl Moon / Self Existing Intelligence by Self Generation Pulse
.2 LifeKweek, 2nd out of 3, sequenced from 1st to 7th chakra
.2 Sundaya, 2nd out of 9 => it is Self Existing Eagle

also described this on most elemental terms

Having this adjusted and affirmed in the warriors in the noogrid ...
makes it fusing higher aimed perspectives from void-cleared mindsets in a commanded mission ~ where we have been waiting for (::=for=four=self existing)

Mark Galactic Human in the Tzolkin Crossing ...
it is in the GAP Magnetic Square of 109-149-152-112 (522)

So Galactic Human november 11 is controlled by Resonant Moon ..., its vinal:

Red Rythmic Moon
Blue Western Castle of Burning
Earth family- Gateway Clan- Blood
Galactic Activation Portal

I organize in order to purify
Balancing flow
I seal the process of universal water
With the rythmic tone of equality
I am guided by my own power doubled
I am a galactic activation portal
enter me

then by having this preview on what has to be done/achieved ...
december 21, 2009 pops up as most dramatic from emotional perspective ...
which goes together with a great cleansing moment unifying people at the pivot ...
Yellow Solar Human => Mobilizer for Wisdom at Solstice Daya :

Yellow Solar Human
Blue Western Castle of Burning
Earth family- Core Clan- Truth
Galactic Activation Portal

I pulse in order to influence
Realizing wisdom
I seal the process of free will
With the solar tone of intention
I am guided by the power of elegance
I am a galactic activation portal
enter me

PSI - activating all this is planned on November 8, Overtone Moon:

Red Overtone Moon
Blue Western Castle of Burning
Earth family- Gateway Clan- Blood
Galactic Activation Portal

I empower in order to purify
Commanding flow
I seal the process of universal water
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of navigation
I am a galactic activation portal
enter me

Finally we get the sharp mirrored view on 11:11 itself in Galactic Human which Cuts the Spiritual Materialism as Painless as can Be !

Yellow Galactic Human
Blue Western Castle of Burning
Earth family- Core Clan- Truth
Galactic Activation Portal

I harmonize in order to influence
Modeling wisdom
I seal the process of free will
With the galactic tone of integrity
I am guided by the power of intelligence
I am a galactic activation portal
enter me

Thanks to the service given by StarRoot Playa which experience also said 11/9 is within the PSI-track : Rhythmic Dog and 11/10 Resonant Monkey ... (Quite a GoodSpell to UnderTake in FormaTion)

Gooddaya, S'ace ~ BI~video (a keyword sampling its Spell by Searching Tools at Disposal)


  1. as a mate in the 11 triade i covered some dogon notes in order to set Dreamspell Kin nxt to them:

    As an ascension cycle stage overall, the counting as triples, goes as follows. Ascension cycle begins about sep-24th-2004

    Triples start in 2005. Jul-7th-2005, KIN
    aug-8th-2006, KIN222 IK1
    sep-9th-2007, KIN099 CAUAC8
    oct-10th-2008, KIN235 MEN1
    nov-11th-2009, KIN112 EB8
    mar-3rd-2010, KIN224 KAN3
    apr-4th-2011, KIN IMIX10
    may-5th-2012, KIN237 CABAN3
    jun-6th-2013, KIN114 IX10
    jul-7th-2014, KIN250 OC3
    aug-8th-2015 KIN127 MANIK10
    and sep-9th-2016 KIN004 KAN004 (yearpin 2009-10)
    as the basic end of the ascension cycle. Then begins the final push to the 12:12:12 setting, with the triples as oct-10-2017, KIN140 AHAU10
    nov-11-2018 KIN017 CABAN4
    and dec-12-2019 KIN153 BEN10
    as a pause point for the earth world dream.

    just to see what pops up as interesting and pleasure

    see the MoonTone Serial as a Rhythm here:

    1 8 1 8 3 10 3 10 3 10 4 10 4 10 ...

    what is the carrier ?

    is it WIND1 Kin222? or attractive dates excluded above:

    12-12-2010 (10+2=12) : LAMAT 1 = Star Magnetic?

    and do not forget jan11-2010 while januari is the ancient moon11 ... and exactly 20 kin before jan 31 - 81(9x9)days after 11-11-2009 (BEN11)

    Red Self-Existing Skywalker (BEN4)
    Yellow Southern Castle of Giving
    Earth family- Signal Clan- Truth
    Galactic Activation Portal

    I define in order to explore
    Measuring wakefullness
    I seal the output of space
    With the self-existing tone of form
    I am guided by the power of universal water
    I am a galactic activation portal enter me

    last clue here is feb-12-2010 considering feb as moon 12 while march is ancient nr. 1:
    KIN205 CHICCAN10 - planetary serpent

  2. i forgot 2005 7/7 in the comment serial of KIN - this might be the clue to the Question "what is the carrier?"

    Red Resonant Serpent
    White Northern Castle of Crossing
    Earth family- Polar
    Clan- Blood
    Galactic Activation Portal

    I channel in order to survive
    Inspiring instinct
    I seal the store of life force
    With the resonant tone of attunement
    I am guided by the power of navigation
    I am a galactic activation portal enter me

    This serpent was recently in the TMQ pages here

    It is 7th Wavespell Storm and then the 7th Tone which is on Power LifeForce ...
