Wednesday, October 28, 2009

QuetzalCoAtL Re~T'UrN

having read again and again a profound writing on 441 here ... (mark the 3.3 label! T'here)
ignited by the very TMQ day ...

the suvuya trip delivered this outcome - to be shared from bivid'eo base:

2553 is the number & frequency at the debug here ...

according kweekspell formula the outside world is 12 based which ignores 0 (-13) as part of the list ... so the other world affirms 0 as a part of the list - which is why it cycles at equalized and rhythms of natural origin. Take i.e. 37 as vajra prime number 13 at the newSTage arrival where the ol'age takes 41 as 13th prime ... and it is not coherent there simply because at the newSTage list the 14th prime is 41 which is coherent while they both vibrate 5 at the numerological equation.

So here it is why 2553 represents number 2552 (while 2553 = 0 the return of Q)

Then we jungle through the historic temple that makes 9 on the glorydaya reign the equation at planetary radiant noodigm ... as a reference for the many - as institutions are living creatures too ...

the first action is as the divine divides
2552 / 2 => 1276

then the tahirih concept declares to subtract half of that ...
( which is another divide by 2 however is digests differently ;-)
1276 -/- 638 => 638

then we add the 0 again in ...
638 + 1 => 639

what is that 9'er?

639 / 9 = 73 ... (10)


Moses had 2 tablets from the Mountain ...
1 with 3 and 1 with 7 commandments ...

Then 73 (10) represents the TZOLKIN measure for 52 yearcycles ...

Concluding => 9 reigns the Future of Humanity on the Planet (?)

Why: well simply while
it carries 3x3 within and 27 as its wing - 2 wings as 27+27+1=> 55 (10)


a QueTzaL is a bird ...
QUETZAL bividdecodes to: 10 6 5 7 1 1 12 => 21+9+12 => 42 = 41+1

41 is the "interval of God" => the altruisic hand ... giving away
+1 is the wave of 13 fractals within each pivotal accomplishment - together

1 comment:

  1. strange to see this time indication appear ...
    "i must be God" (oops')

    9:41 AM it spells ...

    AM = 1 - 13 (4) = 1 to 4 = 14 matching 41

    41 is FOR ONE - NESS !

    KIN 022

    KIN = 11 9 13 => 11 22 => 33
